TRUSS4 Software

Ayuda en línea



List of available shortcuts:

Shortcuts used in all programs

Following shortcuts are identical for all programs:

Ctrl + N

  • New project or truss

Ctrl + O

  • Open existing project or truss

Ctrl + S

  • Save active project or truss

Ctrl + P

  • Run printing window

Ctrl + Z

  • Undo

Ctrl + Y

  • Redo

Ctrl + A

  • Select all objects in the workspace

Ctrl + I

  • Invert selection


  • Delete selected objects


  • Cancel selection


  • Show or hide bottom frame with tables

Ctrl + M

  • Distance measuring

Alt + F4

  • Close application window

Shortcuts for the program Truss 3D

The program "Truss 3D" uses also these shortcuts:

Ctrl + F

  • New in folder (creates a new project in the existing folder)

Ctrl + F7

  • Mount all trusses

Ctrl + F8

  • Design all trusses

Ctrl + F9

  • Verify all trusses

Shift + Ctrl + 1

  • Run the window "Project settings"

Ctrl + 1

  • Run the window "Truss settings" for the active truss (only in the part "Results")

Ctrl + 2

  • Run the window for changing the web configuration (only in the part "Results")

Ctrl + Tab

  • Switch 2D/3D view in primary and secondary workspace

Ctrl + Q

  • Export summary *.xls file

Ctrl + W

  • Export files for CNC saw machines according to the settings in the window "Application options"

Ctrl + E

  • Opens the window "Structure export" (can be found in main menu "File" - "Export" - "Structure" - "CAD formats")


  • Mount the active truss (only in the part "Results")


  • Design the active truss (only in the part "Results")


  • Verify the active truss (only in the part "Results")

Shortcuts for the program Truss 2D

Shortcuts which are used in the program "Truss 2D":


  • Mount the truss


  • Design the truss


  • Verify the truss


  • Run the linear stability analysis

Ctrl + 1

  • Run the window "Truss settings"

Ctrl + I

  • Set the bottom frame into input/edit mode

Ctrl + E

  • Set the bottom frame into error view mode

Truss Explorer

List of shortcuts for "Truss Explorer":

Ctrl + D

  • New from current one (save the active project into the new folder)

Ctrl + F

  • New in folder (creates a new project in the existing folder)

Pruebe el software FIN EC. Gratis y sin restricciones en el análisis.