Capacidad Portante del Eje
La capacidad portante vertical del eje viene dada por la fórmula:
donde: | Rs | - | resistencia del eje |
As | - | área de contacto (only on the side facing the foundation pit) | |
qs | - | rozamiento |
The contact area is important for the shaft bearing capacity, where the friction between the shoring structure and the soil is considered. For standard rectangular and pile walls, this area is automatically calculated by the program. For other cross-sections (sheet piles, steel profiles, user input) it is necessary to enter the coefficient of the contact area KCA, by which the user determines the contact area corresponding to one running meter of the structure.
where: | KCA | - | coefficient of the contact area |
t | - | depth of the structure below the bottom of the pit | |
b | - | structure width (1 running meter) |
For sheet piles, the KCA coefficient is normally considered as the length of the sheet piles (sum of the green sections L1-L5 in the figure below) in one running meter of the structure.
For steel sections, the KCA coefficient is usually considered as the sum of the perimeter of the sections (sum of the green sections in the figure below) in one running meter of the structure.
Determinación del rozamiento qs debe ser parte del estudio geológico.
Los valores recomendados de resistencia máxima qs [kPa] se pueden encontrar en la literatura profesional, e.g. in EA-Pfähle book.