Buttons on the toolbar are used for controlling data in a running task. The toolbar has a different appearance in 1D and 2D programs. The toolbar contains the following buttons:
Toolbar "Edit" - 1D programs
Toolbar "Edit" - 2D programs
Several buttons are divided into two parts, and the button can control more functions (the right part with the arrow).
Using the button for more functions
Individual buttons functions are the following:

| Copy data to the clipboard | - Copies the data from the current task to clipboard

| Paste | - Opens a dialog window and pastes selected data from a different GEO5 program - for example, from the "Earth Pressures" program to the "Gravity Wall" program.

| Undo | - Returns the last performed step (the function is available only in programs with the 2D environment and must be allowed in "Options").

| Undo (more steps) | - Opens a list of steps that can be undone.

| Redo | - Restores one returned step (the function is available only in programs with the 2D environment and must be allowed in "Options").

| Redo (more steps) | - Opens a list of steps that can be redone.